Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So I've had a bit to drink, aqnd will be finding a bit more....

And I'm watching the Special Election 2010 results...

And I hate where we are, and I can't stand the way we've always been. The amount of non-Mass money in this race is crazy. The amount of national importance in this is insane. And the fact that my party did not comprehend how much blood-lust there was for the seat of Teddy Kennedy. Kennedy was beloved and legendary and a testament to his accomplished and assassinated forbearers, but there was no doubt n the mind of any reasonable person that he was reviled and despised and hated by all who see every ounce of progress made in the last 75 years as detrimental. Idiots!

I still believe Coakley will win. I hope to g/God, if she does, she will never run again for national office. Massachusetts could certainly be represented capably and honorably by a woman senator, and Martha Coakley is without doubt capable and honorable and accomplished. But she is not the figure needed now, in a state which believes itself to have already accomplished the Obama revolution by electing Deval Patrick. Coakley was not the glowing, debonair and utterly charming figure the modern electorate requires, she was just another distant political figure whom many respected and few knew.

The Massachusetts Democratic Party will have no trouble rebuilding whether she wins or loses. But the future of our country will rest once again in the fat, ugly, white and stupid hands of the voters of Massachusetts. Whether they elect my choice or not, they are responsible for where we are.

I'm getting another drink now, for those of you playing along at home...

It helps, by the way. Now, for the record, a defense of partisanship. Yes, it's certainly true that both parties are corrupt, and that democracy has failed in the short term and the long term to be an effective arbiter of justice in the social, economic, and political realms no matter how you define justice. Yes, the party's primary duty is to advance itself and entrench itself near the mouth of TaxPayer$ River. That said, elections are not about single issues, but in every election since my birth, the Republican Party has run on a combination of single issues - Communism, Abortion, Gay Marriage, Immigration, God, Guns, and/or Bill Clinton's Blowjob - while Democrats have earnestly addressed (usually) the multitude of responsibilities every elected official holds, particularly those affecting everyday working Americans. I am a Democrat by virtue of the fact that I am an American, and believe in a social contract respecting both individual rights and collective responsibilities. Health care for all is a collective responsibility, as proven by every other mfing (Heather hates swear words) nation of reasonable advancement on earth. There are reasonable republicans, but Scott Brown is not among them. He is a tool. The Republican party has always wielded its tools more capably than the Democrats. Helms, Dornan, Santorum, and Bush Jr are the ones you may remember, but they have existed throughout the ages. Now we've replaced a legend with a tool.

The results are trickling in. The AP's called it for Brown. Coakley likely can't catch up. the major message is that in this era, of President Obama, Obama's presence exacerbates his opponents more than his allies. But mark my words, while Obama is not a sage for the ages, he is the way things should go, and moving away from his agenda, as the country in now poised to do, thanks to these idiot assholes in suburban Massachusetts, will hurt our ability to lead the way into the future. By electing Scott Brown, with vast sums of Republican money from everywhere, we have ceded the ground of leadership still further to India, China, and the future superpowers of the 21st century.

America's descent increased today, due as usual, not so much to the Republican Party at the had of the descent, but to the swarming mass of self-righteous idiots pushing them forward.

The rise of Jay Leno is related to this, by the way. Though not all Leno fans are Republicans, and vice-versa, the empowerment of self-righteous ignorance is once again ascendent. Don't worry. Richard Nixon was the last elected President when I was born. We'll live through the debacle ahead. We aren't likely to learn anything as a society, but some may gather enough insight and experience to provide reasonable options in the face of the disasters ahead.

If you are a reasonable person, and do not yet despise your native society, you may have a role to play in confronting the questions ahead. Be strong. Victory delayed is not a loss, just a headache on the path.

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